Makilla Point of Sale (Makilla POS) is internet app that works on the cloud service principle, like a big cash register. We had an idea to create the accesible service that doesn't demand high level of IT education to be used. Like the simplest e-mail clients, the user logs in to his/her account and, depending on his/her needs and job, the user sells goods, takes care of clients and stores, or does the analytics.
What distinguishes Makilla from other similar solutions is the large number of build-in functions that give very wide application field for this app which gives you the possibility to expand your business to the higher level, keeping simplicity of the use. Additional adventage for Makilla is that it works in a browser and it's going to work on any device that has installed browser.
Naime, ljudi iz kompanija HCP su bili više nego ljubazni i profesionalni - HCP nam je omogućio testiranje / komunikaciju Makilla sistema sa njihovim fiskalnim uređajima.
Pošto je Makilla Team je iskljčivo zadužen za rad softwera na web strani te nema svoj servis za popravku kasa, niti prodaje uređaje jedino što možemo da kažemo da HCP uređaji rade odlično i da su ljudi profesionalni i ljubazni
te ih slobodno možete kontaktirati kako bi Vas uputili do najbližeg njihovog prodavca.
Kada govorimo o prodavcima HCP artikala nesmemo da propustimo priliku, a da ne spomenemo firmu TREND iz Bečeja, koja nam uvek izlazi u susret
i već punih 27 godina uspešno se bavi prodajom i popravkom fiskalnih kasa. Zbog svega gore navedenog prikazujemo spisak elektronskih fiskalnih uređaja kompanije HCP koje možete uzeti preko kompanije TREND.
A small and very functional cash register that is suitable for business of
all sizes. Prima is a major breakthrough into the new generation of fiscal
devices. Prima device is powerful, lightweight ...
The 2-station thermal TM-T260F is specifically designed to meet the needs of
markets with a fiscally regulated POS. A world famous brand Epson and
domestic fiscal part ensure reliable and safe ope...
World famous brand Epson and domestic fiscal part ensure reliable and safe
operation of the fiscal printer Epson TM-T810F. Designed to provide
efficient and reliable operation, the TM-810F prints ...